Wye Valled Trust - Bladder & Bowel Health Service - New Moisture Associated Skin Damage (MASD)

Bladder & Bowel Health Service  

New Moisture Associated Skin Damage (MASD)

 Study Session – Online

Aimed at all qualified and HCA level staff in acute, community, residential & nursing home, care agency and practice nurse settings who want to learn more about what MASD is and how to prevent it. We are seeing increasing numbers of people present with this debilitating condition and we need to work together to reduce what is a completely preventable condition.

Specific topics covered:

  • What are the 4 main categories of MASD
  • How do we grade MASD
  • What are the risk factors
  • How do we manage and prevent it

The session runs on line 12.00-13.30 on:

7th May, 8th June, 9th July, 3rd August, 10th September, 5th October, 12th November 2021

The session is free for all WVT, care home, practice nurses and care agency staff.  To book a place and receive the online MSTeams invite email the EDC at education@wvt.nhs.uk . For more information contact the Bladder & Bowel Health Team at bladderandbowel.hereford@nhs.net or on 01432 378933

Published on 8th April 2021