Practical Lipid Management in Primary Care

Practical Lipid Management in Primary Care

Speaker: Dr Paul Ferenc, GP Partner and Cardiovascular Clinical Lead, Herefordshire & Worcestershire ICB

How to optimise patients and QoF beyond statins

We will look at the importance of reaching lipid targets and how to do this practically in primary care.

Date/Time: Wednesday 28th February 2024 1-2pm

The session is open to all clinicians in Herefordshire and Worcestershire

Hosted on the Training Hub Learning Management System (LMS)

Please register if you have not already done so before the event.

Click Here for the Online LMS Registration Guide

Click here for the LMS guide on how to join the meeting

For support and enquiries please either Email & Telephone us at| 01432 270636


We are not currently taking bookings for this course. Please get in touch with us to find out information on future dates here

When using the booking system please do not refresh your page as your booking will not be complete.
If you would like to book multiple people at one time, please ensure each individual has an account and you can see them when you login.
If you don't see this as an option please contact the Training Hub to request permissions to be added to your account.

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